
Diablo 2 hero editor error
Diablo 2 hero editor error

diablo 2 hero editor error

I use only found items on it and no scrolls I know to be buggy. My new character, which has no hand me downs, never crashes. For instance, the scroll that ups the mobs defence, I found the sword I had that one, was buggy, removed it and it fixed my getting past a crashing area, for some reason. Takes time but is worth the effort to find the source, which I am betting you will.

diablo 2 hero editor error

If you have enough equipment saved that is not crafted and play with those after trying the charm removal, I bet you wont crash.

diablo 2 hero editor error

Could be some crafted or items that a scroll was used on are buggy also, if you find no dif with charm removal, I would start on items next. I have only had one crash since I removed my bad charm, and it was just an odd one, not repeated. Removing them one at a time, til I found the culprit solved my crashes. I would swear most of the crashes in the game are from a charm, or using an item with known bugs. I dont crash in game anymore, after removing one at a time, all the charms I had on me.

Diablo 2 hero editor error